About Us

Make Poverty History Manitoba is a collaborative, non-partisan coalition committed to changing public policy to achieve a Manitoba without poverty.

Our coalition represents voices from Indigenous, newcomer, labour, women’s, LGBTQ2S+, disability, urban, rural, northern, business, education, student, and youth communities.

Our Approach

The causes of poverty and social exclusion go well beyond inadequate incomes and unemployment. They include the inability to access affordable and adequate housing, childcare, public transportation, health services, recreation, education and training. These causes are interconnected.

We believe that any effort to address the causes of poverty must adopt a comprehensive and systematic approach, within a legislated framework, if poverty reduction and social inclusion are to be achieved.

Supporting Organizations

Coming soon…

Advocacy Story

Make Poverty History Manitoba formed in 2008 to put forward the community’s vision for what a plan to end poverty could look like and call on all levels of government for urgent, strategic action to end poverty.

This coalition evolved out of an early group in 2004 that was initiating discussions in the community about anti-poverty legislation. This group included the Women’s Health Clinic, the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence and other organizations.

Since then, the coalition has grown to include over 100 organizations and thousands of individual Manitobans united in the goal for a Manitoba without poverty.

The diverse membership of MPHM reflects the diverse populations most vulnerable to poverty, including women, children, persons with disabilities, Indigenous people, and recent immigrants.

Vision & Mission

Vision: Our vision is a Manitoba without poverty.

Mission: Our mission is to change public policy to achieve a Manitoba without poverty.

Purpose: Our purpose is to provide a central coalition of agencies and individuals working for the elimination of poverty in Manitoba.


  • To create a strong, politically non-partisan and provincial coalition and movement, representative of all sectors of society, in support of achieving a Manitoba without poverty.
  • To promote the development and implementation of adequately resourced, comprehensive and effective anti-poverty plans at all levels of government based on the principle of social inclusion, with targets and timelines for outcomes.
  • To make poverty elimination a top societal priority.
  • To work in cooperation with and support relevant national campaigns to end poverty.

To achieve these objectives we will:

  • Consult broadly.
  • Gather research.
  • Develop policy recommendations for eliminating poverty.
  • Advocate for policy change with and on behalf of those living in poverty.
  • Generate publicity and public awareness on the impact that poverty has on everyone and on solutions for ending poverty.
  • Mobilize Manitobans in support of poverty elimination.

Coalition Leadership

Steering Committee:

  • Desiree McIvor, Spokesperson
  • Channah Greenfield
  • Al Wiebe
  • Damon Johnston
  • Debby Sillito
  • Emily Halldorson
  • Hannah Owczar
  • Kirsten Bernas
  • Meaghan Erbus
  • Michael Barkman
  • Molly McCracken
  • Samantha Klassen

City (Winnipeg) Working Group Co-Chairs:

  • Kirsten Bernas
  • Michael Barkman

Provincial Working Group Chair:

  • Molly McCracken

Communications Coordinator:

  • Samantha Klassen