Exciting news at City Hall on April 30! Unanimous support for Winnipeg Poverty Strategy

Exciting news today as the City of Winnipeg’s Executive Policy Committee unanimously passed a motion to create a Poverty Reduction Strategy! 

Almost exactly one year ago Make Poverty History Manitoba launched a call for a poverty plan. This is very promising news, and an important step toward a Winnipeg Without Poverty. Ending poverty saves lives and money.

Thanks to supporters, advocates, and community members for all your work over the last year to build momentum for this to happen. This would not have happened without strong community support for a Winnipeg Without Poverty!

Thanks to Councillor Cindy Gilroy for passing the original motion and for leading on this issue along with Mayor Brian Bowman and the mayor’s office. Thanks to Winnipeg’s Public Service for working so hard toward today’s important report.

The City will spend the next 365 days crafting its strategy, including an implementation plan for additional measures to address poverty.

Our campaign must continue over the next year to advocate for a visionary strategy with bold, justice-focused, and innovative policies.

Join us at Make Poverty History Manitoba’s General Meeting:
We’ll celebrate our success, and build our Winnipeg Without Poverty campaign together into the next year!
Wednesday, May 8 
At the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg (432 Ellice Ave)
Event link here
Light lunch served.

Questions? Email chair@makepovertyhistorymb.com