Debate to put poverty on the election agenda

Debate to put poverty on the election agenda
Winnipeg, MB – March 22, 2016

Poverty is turning out to be central issue in Manitoba’s 2016 election. Candidates from Manitoba’s Greens, Liberals, Progressive Conservatives and New Democratic Party will have a chance to debate their poverty reduction plans on Wednesday. The debate, organized by Make Poverty History Manitoba, will take place March 23, 7 pm to 9 pm at Gordon Bell High School.

“Poverty affects all Manitobans. It is a significant economic drain on our society when a portion of our population does not have the tools they need to participate and succeed. Without housing, good food, child care, and adequate wages, it is hard for families get ahead,” said Josh Brandon, chair of Make Poverty History Manitoba. “It is also a moral question, when we have so much wealth in our society, how we can continue to leave so many behind? Manitoba voters are looking to all parties for leadership.”

The debate will be moderated by Richard Cloutier news director with 680 CJOB. It will include questions on poverty related topics including education, income and community participation.  There will also be opportunities for questions from the audience.

Other debate sponsors include: Social Planning Council of Winnipeg; Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba Office; CCEDNet Manitoba; Winnipeg Harvest; Manitoba Teachers Society; Manitoba Association of School Superintendents; Aboriginal Youth Opportunities; Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg; and Success Skills Centre.

Where: Gordon Bell High School, 3 Borrowman Pl, Winnipeg
When: Wednesday, March 23, 7 pm to 9 pm
Who: Candidates from all Manitoba political parties invited

Participating candidates:

Sharon Blady, NDP
Noel Bernier, Liberals
James Beddome, Greens
Ian Wishart, Progressive Conservatives

Moderated by Richard Cloutier, 680 CJOB